This is not your average personality assessment.
In fact, it’s not really even about your personality. The Game Styles assessment focuses instead on your survival instincts – essentially how you react in pressured situations.
You see, you are a biological wonder and you are naturally hard-wired for survival. And you are clearly very good at surviving.
But, just to make sure you are best prepared to survive an actual life-threatening situation, your biology keeps you in regular practice. It does this by using the normal stress, pressure, challenges, and conflicts you face every day to trigger you into your well-honed survival behavior patterns.
To get a better understanding of what’s at play, let’s look to nature where you will find only the four following survival instincts.
And you are primarily wired for one of them. This is your Game Style.
You tackle challenges head on, seeking to change them to be more to your liking.
When things get too uncomfortable, you seek out other options that are less stressful.
You are built to endure difficult situations and just focus on the work that needs to be done.
When the going gets tough, you go inward and contemplate how best to improve things.

Taking the Game Styles Assessment will help you understand which are your primary and supporting Styles, and what that means for how you show up every day.
You will also receive a personalized report that helps you better manage your responses, work more effectively with others, and thrive in the Game of Business. Even under pressure!
Play the game, don’t let the game play you!
Design credit: X Ray Design